Tuesday 29 November 2011

Never go to Sleep

This morning Ed and Janice joined me earlier than usual. They caught me dripping with toothpaste (I still don’t know how people brush without a mess!) instead of my more polished, fresh hello. After chatting and giggling with them about the beautiful morning and my intentions for the day, the moment was sliced by a thought -- ”This is not normal.”

You see, Ed and Janice are pigeons.

But WHY is this seen as abnormal or crazy?

No one says anything to children when they speak to animals, see characters in the clouds or wave with excitement at the guy who just flipped their mom off while driving because they think it’s a Star Wars greeting. So why enters the thought that having pigeons as friends are something to keep quiet?

I assume the obvious answer to the above is that children are children --it’s expected, they’re oblivious to the “real” world, they’re young…leave them their innocence.

In my opinion, Children are the ones in touch with the real world and it is WE who have lost the plot. Children are wide awake. We are fast asleep.

Don Miguel Ruiz speaks about ancient Toltec wisdom in his book The Four Agreements.  He familiarizes us with the authentic self and speaks about the lie that we buy into as we grow and we stop creating our lives in step with ourselves. We focus constantly on what we should be doing and what needs to be improved and what we can know, etc, etc, etc. Sound familiar? Ofcourse it does, because you have to know everything! Otherwise you’re not important… Sound familiar?

Ruiz also speaks of how struggle and unhappiness in life is created in this lie and that it is in shedding this and beginning the journey of rediscovering our authentic self that we truly live as the perfect beings we already are. We experience how everything is connected and created by our thoughts and that our dreams in the night are the same as the day and that we have the power to create the day as our mind creates the night. When we are not switched on to that, is when we are in fact asleep.

It is very easy to sleep. Sleeping requires very little of ourselves. Never go to sleep.


Imagine combining the child-like freedom to create and dream with the wisdom and intelligence of experience…now that’s exciting! I can’t wait to share with Ed and Janice tomorrow morning!

To discover more on the Authentic Self visit : (http://www.emotionalcompetency.com/authenticself.htm)
Or to be mentored in the power of creating your own life, join a Mind Power course: (www.robinbanks.co.za)

I Choose Butter!

You know something is wrong with the world when the girl that chooses full cream milk, sugar or butter is gazed upon with a raised eyebrow.  If she is fit, it is then assumed that she doesn’t eat much and if she’s not, that “she’s let herself go.”

In my opinion, full cream milk, sugar, chocolate, full creamy butter….if you eat these pure and creamylicious products, then you get your curves in all the RIGHT places. So yes, thank you – I choose Butter!

Low-Fat Milk, Margarine, Sugar Sweeteners…these are the assumed choices of delicacy today. There is also the assumed truth that they are weight-saving choices.

Truth? I think the only truth is perspective. And in my perspective, when you go for the low-fat, low-cream, false sugar options you consume more of them and you’re rarely really satisfied with your gastronomic experience. So then what? You have more! But don’t worry, its low-fat and sugar free! …and it tastes like…well I’ll save my mouth for more indulgent things.

If what I’m consuming, isn’t giving me an orgasm, then I refuse to continue – I put it down.  

If when I take a bite or take a sip, I don’t want to rub it all over my body --  I put it down.

If two bites into it, I no longer have that tingling sensation of discovery and utter indulgence or satisfaction -- I put it down.

I refuse to consume anything less…and for that matter….anything more. So the question is, why do you? And where else do you transfer this process to in your life?

Do you have a closet full of bargains, but you have a hard time ever finding something that you really look and feel good in? Then you choose low-fat milk.

Do you have a ton of contacts on your cell phone but when you want to have a really good vent or share an exciting moment there isn’t a number to call? Then you choose sugar-free. 

Do you fall down in your bed with utter exhaustion every night, but you can’t really say what you did with your day? Then you choose margarine.

I choose butter! Join me.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Interesting not Wrong

One of the things that I love about baking is the mess...and I've definitely developed the reputation of creating lots of them...I've in fact been kicked out of my own bakery by my staff because of the massive mounds of ditzy mistakes....and this, my friends, is the point of this morning's words.

Everywhere we go, everything we do, every experience requires a mess of sorts. It is only through the mistakes, failures, bumps that we learn and get to experience the fullness of what life is. Of course, we must learn from these messes and apply those lessons but as they occur roll with them instead of judging them and experience them as "Interesting" not "Wrong." My dear friend Robin Banks (www.robinbanks.co.za) always says that when something goes terribly wrong or just not the way you want or intend it to, throw your hands in the air and say "How fascinating?! Yes!"

So, this morning is an extremely interesting and fascinating start to the morning, week, month, holiday season....I lost my house keys, ran out of petrol, had sour milk in my coffee...so I celebrate the fact that I had a FAR more interesting morning than most people and laugh my way into the mounds of cookie dough in front of me as I continue to splash flour and butter all over my black top and smile with thanks for this beautiful blessing and experience of life.

I leave you this morning with the intention to make a beautiful mess today! To have a fascinating day full of surprises and intrigue. To place my head on my pillow this evening and know that I have lived. Join me!